Sunday, July 31, 2011

Language Comparison Blog

Please click on the following link to view my PowerPoint presentation. Enjoy :-)

Language Comparison: Spanish and English


Anonymous said...

Very nice presentation. I did Spanish as well. I was amazed at how much I learned. My student also had possession errors..he would say the books of my sister.

TeacherNeitz said...

I thought your information and examples were very applicable in the classroom. You highlighted the major points and I thought the conclusion was very helpful in the classroom. Great job.

Jbollinger said...

Great Job! My analysis was on a Spanish-speaking student as well and I highlighted some of the same exact errors. This suggests that these are very common problems experienced by native Spanish speakers learning English. Your presentation was well-organized and very informative. Well done.

Kathryn Gaugler said...

I agree that the non-phonetical nature of English creates a lot of trouble for Spanish speakers. Great job!

Summer Schoenberg said...

It seems as though all of the native Spanish speakers have the same difficulties in the English language. These presentations would serve as great tools for future or even current teachers of ESL to reference because a lot of these problems are common and due to the differences between students' L1 and L2. I am familiar with Spanish but if I had a student who spoke Arabic I would definitely have to do some research, and coming across a presentation like this would be ideal. Everything was very organized and you provided great examples of errors.

Tarah Gross said...

Great presentation and your organization was on point. It allowed the audience to see the problems and common differences between language development and the transfer from L1 to L2. Good job.

Julie said...

You did a nice job on your presentation. I agree that many Spanish speakers seem to experience the same types of errors and difficulties in learning English. I have noticed these errors in my own students as well. Good job!

mnh19 said...

Great job comparing English and Spanish. I liked how you mentioned that in Spanish words are spelled as they sound, and in English they definitely are not. That is a common error that I notice with my own students. Great!

Elizabeth said...

I also had a student who spoke spanish and saw some of the same errors. I LOVED your slide background! I also like how you explained each error and why it was probably wrong. I think it is a great presentation and thanks for sharing!

джек said...

I liked your organization in this presentation. It was easy to find whatever information I was looking for. Well done! -Jack

shirk said...

Your presentation is very easy to follow. I like how you organized the data. It was interesting to see several presentations on the Spanish language-all which state similar errors. Nice work!

Michelle said...

Great information! I like your examples of the errors.

Sra. C said...

We have many Spanish speaking students in our school, but they are not all ESL students. The errors that you mentioned are common with them and I think a presentation like this would help all teachers.

Jacob Shuey said...

It was great to see another Spanish comparison project that had the similar findings as mine. I agree with you that collaboration with native English speakers is very helpful.

Ashley said...

I was appalled to see another spanish presentation with similar findings to others students in this course. This just goes to show that your analysis of errors was thorough, accurate, and based in scientific research.


Hello All!

Thank you for taking the time to view my Language Comparison Presentation. As many of you noted, I found that as I viewed other Spanish/English presentations that the data showed many of the same errors. This is very valuable information because it makes us aware, as future or current ESL teachers, of these common errors that occur with Spanish speaking students. These are errors that can be focused on in mini-lessons and in daily instructional practice.

:-) I'm glad that you found my presentation useful and thank you for your comments!

Damian said...

Your presentation was thorough and mad many of the same errors and information as the other Spanish presentations which shows me that you all did great reearch. I like the black background with white lettering, I feel it's easier on the eyes when reading.